November 25: 3-D Printer Creates First Object in Space on International Space Station
Niki Werkheiser, NASA’s 3-D Printing Project Manager, talks with Marshall Space Flight Center’s Bill Hubscher about today’s on-orbit set-up and first test run of the International Space Station’s 3-D Printer, a technology demonstration that is the first step toward establishing an on-demand machine shop in space to manufacture spare parts, a critical technology to enable future exploration of deep space. Click here for more info.
November 23: Jennifer Huber describes the NASA Social experience leading up to the SpaceX CRS-4 launch
October 25: SpaceX Dragon CRS-4’s mission ends with successful undocking and splashdown
Dragon lands in the Pacific Ocean at approximately 12:38pm PDT, carrying 3,276 lbs of cargo & science samples. The mission lasted 34 days, 13 hours and 49 minutes from blastoff to splashdown, the longest Dragon flight to date.
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October 17: Thermal Video of CRS4 Falcon 9 First Stage Reentry
NASA successfully captured thermal images of a SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket on its descent after it launched in September from Cape Canaveral Air Force Station in Florida. The data from these thermal images may provide critical engineering information for future missions to the surface of Mars.
October 7: RapidScat Experiment Installed & Working

Tropical Storm Simon as seen by the International Space Station-RapidScat scatterometer as the storm approached Mexico’s Baja California peninsula at 0210 UTC Time Oct. 4 (7:10 p.m. PDT Oct. 3). Image Credit: NASA-JPL/Caltech
RapidScat will boost global monitoring of ocean winds for improved weather and marine forecasting, including hurricane monitoring, as well as climate studies. From the unique vantage point of the space station, this space-based scatterometer instrument will use radar pulses reflected from the ocean’s surface from different angles to calculate ocean surface wind speeds and directions.
Learn more at NASA
October 3: Dragon CRS-4 thruster firings
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September 26: Dragon docked with the Space Station
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September 23: Rendezvous & Grapple Of The SpaceX CRS-4 Dragon Capsule
Video compliments of Matthew Travis from NASA footage.
September 23: Photos of Dragon CRS-4 from the ISS
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September 23: Dragon arrives & docks at the Space Station
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September 22: NASA Social participants
Here are links to what other NASA Social participants heard, saw, and felt about the experience of being at the Kennedy Space Center and the launch of the SpaceX CRS-4 mission to the International Space Station:
- Kiri Callaghan (@KiriCallaghan): Storify | YouTube video
- Matthew Kuhns (@Mmkuhns): Photography Blog
- Chris Lee (+ChrisLee2): Google+ Photos
- Jennifer Huber (@JenniferHuber): Flickr Photos
- Christopher Arnold (@carnolddesigns): Blog
September 21: Some thoughts about participating in this launch…
The main takeaway I received from participating in the NASA Social event for this SpaceX Dragon cargo resupply flight to the International Space Station is that NASA is EXTREMELY ACTIVE and VITAL in producing MANY wide-ranging and useful Aeronautics and Space Exploration projects that expand our knowledge and benefit everyone here on Earth… for LESS than HALF of a penny per Federal tax dollar.
Think of what they could do with just another half of a penny, or more!
“Right now, NASA’s annual budget is half a penny on your tax dollar. For twice that—a penny on a dollar—we can transform the country from a sullen, dispirited nation, weary of economic struggle, to one where it has reclaimed its 20th century birthright to dream of tomorrow.” – Neil deGrasse Tyson
As I am typing this, NASA’s MAVEN spacecraft (Mars Atmosphere and Volatile EvolutioN) is entering orbit around Mars to explore its upper atmosphere to find out where all of its water went to. Amazing stuff!
To keep up with all of these exciting programs, be sure to subscribe to these NASA news resources on social media to learn more about all of the great things they are doing right now and in the future:
NASA on Facebook | NASA on Twitter | NASA on Google+
September 21: Post-Launch News Conference
September 21: SpaceX CRS-4 Launch & Orbit Insertion Video
September 21: NASA Social for SpaceX Crew Resupply Mission 4
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September 19-21: Pre-Launch Photos by AirWingMedia
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