Thank you for your PDF purchase!
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- You have up to 24 hours and 10 attempts to download these files.
- These are large files and can take up to an hour to download, depending on your internet speed.
- We recommend you only download ONE file at a time to ensure you receive them as quickly as possible.
- We recommend the free Adobe Acrobat Reader software to view these PDFs. (Link opens new browser tab)
- You will receive a receipt at the email address you provided for this purchase and a link to download these files.
- If you have any difficulties, please contact us.
Steps to Download and Save these files to your computer
- Click on the link above to open a web browser window where you will see a moving bar showing the progress of your download. Depending on the size of the file, this downloading process could take a few minutes or to up to an hour, depending on your internet speed.
- Once the download is completed, find and click on the Download or Save File As button in your web browser. Or, right-click your mouse on the PDF file displayed and select Save As…
- When a file window appears, select your Downloads folder (or other folder of your choice) and then click the “Save File” button in the lower right of that file window.
- If you are on a Macintosh computer using the Safari web browser, hover your mouse over the PDF file and click the fourth icon at the bottom of the web browser which will save the file to your Downloads folder.
- Once the download is complete, you can go into your Download folder (or other folder you saved the PDF file to) and double click on the PDF file to view it.
- We highly recommend you download and install the FREE Adobe Acrobat Reader program to view our PDFs with. We also recommend you make Acrobat Reader the default program to view PDF files with.
- You will use the same process (Steps 1-5) for downloading the .ZIP file of photos if your purchase includes them.